Have you ever used Pinterest? If yes you might be familiar with its presence however, if you are unknown, Pinterest is a social platform that allows us to discover gorgeous outfits, DIY projects, dream home decor, cooking recipes, and much more.

Are you a blogger, business owner, craft enthusiast, or someone with an eye for captivating visuals? What if I told you Pinterest could be your secret weapon for generating ample revenue and achieving financial freedom?

Pinterest is one of the amazing platforms offering entrepreneurs, and businesses numerous opportunities to monetize their presence. It’s not just a visual board any more, it’s a huge platform with the potential to turn your passions into profits.

Having said that, I would like to share the strategies, and methods to make money online with Pinterest in this article. From setting up your profile to scaling your earnings, this guide will offer you every insight.

Without further ado, let’s get started with a basic understanding of the Pinterest platform.

Understanding Pinterest

Though you won’t find Pinterest as one of the top social media platforms compared to other competitors, however, it is a visual discovery engine with a unique user base as well as distinct usage patterns.

Regarding demographics, Pinterest is highly used by a female user base. But it doesn’t mean the platform compromises gender lines because the number of male users is also growing daily. In addition, Pinterest attracts users across various age groups making it a diverse, and inclusive platform.

One of the key features of Pinterest is the visual content that makes it unique among other text-heavy platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. Users on this platform pin images, and videos to virtual boards, organizing them based on interests, hobbies, or aspirations. With its distinguishing features, business owners, entrepreneurs, and content creators find it appealing.

With this short familiarization, let’s find out ways to make money with Pinterest.

How can we make money with Pinterest?

First things first, to succeed on Pinterest, it is very important to find a specific niche, and target audience for your content. Users on this platform often seek inspiring pins, ideas, and solutions to their problems.

That’s why choose the right niche by understanding your audience’s interests, preferences, and pain points. You can also conduct thorough market research, and analysis on Pinterest trends.

ALSO READ: Top 5 MOST PROFITABLE Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Niches

As you finalize your niche, it is time to set up your Pinterest account.

Here are the key steps to set up your successful Pinterest account:

  1. Profile Name: Choose a memorable and descriptive profile name that reflects your brand or niche. Ideally, it should be easy to remember and search for.
  2. Profile Picture: Use a high-quality profile picture that represents your brand or persona. A clear and recognizable image, such as a logo or professional headshot, will help users identify your profile at a glance.
  3. Bio: Craft a compelling bio that introduces yourself or your brand and succinctly describes what users can expect from your Pinterest account. Include relevant keywords to improve discoverability in Pinterest search results.
  4. Website Verification: Verify your website on Pinterest to gain access to additional features, such as analytics and Rich Pins. This adds credibility to your profile and encourages users to visit your website.

Once your account is set up perfectly, it is time to create engaging boards and pins. For that, you can follow the tips, and strategies listed below.

  1. Creating Board Titles: Create boards with clear, descriptive titles that convey the theme or topic of each board. Use keywords in your board titles to improve search visibility and attract relevant followers.
  2. Board Covers: Choose visually appealing cover images for your boards to make them stand out on your profile. Consistent branding across board covers can enhance the overall aesthetic of your profile.
  3. Writing Pin Descriptions: Write compelling and informative descriptions for your pins, incorporating relevant keywords and hashtags to increase their visibility. Use clear language and calls to action to encourage engagement and clicks.
  4. Pin Images and Videos: Use high-quality, eye-catching images and videos for your pins to capture users’ attention as they scroll through their feeds. Experiment with different formats, such as infographics, product photos, and tutorials, to diversify your content.

Till this section of our discussion, we understood the Pinterest platform, and setting up a successful account.

Now, it’s time to make money with Pinterest. So, what are the ways to do that? Let’s find it below.

Driving Traffic to your monetized blog or website

Pinterest is a huge source for driving social traffic to your blog or website that generates revenue via display ads, sponsored content, or selling digital/physical products.


For instance, if you have a blog that is monetized with display ad networks, you can use Pinterest to promote your content by pinning visually appealing images, and videos with compelling headlines, and descriptions.

Planning to start a blog and make money online? Read our detailed guide here: How to start a profitable blog?

It is highly recommended to publish high-quality blog posts, articles, or landing pages on your blog or website so that, it can offer great value to your users.


In this example, you can see a blogger named Finsavvy Panda is generating more than 9 Million monthly views on the Pinterest platform. With this amazing stat, the blog is getting more than 200K visits a month from Pinterest generating full-time income for the blog owner. Isn’t that interesting?

If you find it inspirational and want to start your journey, I request you to follow these guidelines:

Create Compelling content on your blog to increase user retention.

Post Pins with attention-grabbing headlines, and descriptions. You can use keywords, and call-to-action to increase engagement and outbound clicks.

Track the performance of your website traffic generated from Pinterest using tools like Google Analytics.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is all about earning a commission by promoting the products of another person or company. Bloggers, content creators, and advertising experts can earn huge revenue through affiliate marketing by targeting audiences as per their niche.

EXPLORE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE: How to start Pinterest Affiliate Marketing as a Beginner?


Regarding Pinterest, you can pin images and videos that include affiliate links to products you recommend. Also, you can drive traffic to your website that has reviews, and recommendations of the products. If someone purchases your chosen product, you earn a commission.

Here are some guidelines that can be followed for a successful affiliate marketing journey on Pinterest:

Choosing Relevant Products: For maximum conversion, it is advisable to select products, or services that meet the demand of your target audience. Also consider picking reputable affiliate programs or networks that offer high-quality products/services, and competitive commissions.

Create Visually Appealing Pins: Design awesome pins that reflect the benefits, and features of the products you’re promoting. It is a best idea to include clear Call-to-Action, and persuasive copy to encourage users to click on your affiliate links.


Affiliate Disclosure: For transparency purposes, and guidelines compliance, you need to disclose your affiliate links.

Track Performance: Monitor the performance of your affiliate pins using Pinterest analytics or third-party tracking tools. Analyze metrics such as clicks, conversions, and revenue to optimize your strategy and maximize earnings.


Selling Products Directly on Pinterest

Though Pinterest doesn’t offer a traditional in-app shop where purchases can be executed entirely within the platform, it does offer various shopping features including shoppable pins, product catalogs, and shop tab on Business profiles.

Those merchants who are verified on Pinterest or members of the Verified Merchant Program feature product pints that are available for purchase. Those product pins will direct you to the merchant’s website.

If you are a legit merchant, you can set up a Pinterest business account, and enable the Pinterest shop feature to showcase your products directly. Once you are verified on the platform, you can publish product pins with rich product descriptions, prices, and direct links to purchase.

Follow these steps for successful product sales on Pinterest:

Enhance Product Pins with the use of high-quality images, and detailed product descriptions. Try to leverage the product tagging feature to add shoppable tags to your pins so that it lets users explore and make purchases with ease.

Promote your products by sharing them across Pinterest boards, group boards, and relevant communities. For quicker results, you can leverage Pinterest Advertising to reach a larger audience, and boost sales.

Offer Quick, and Excellent Service by responding to inquiries, comments, and messages from potential customers. Built trust and loyalty that could lead to repeating customers, and positive reviews.

Offer your Services through Pinterest

Another legitimate way to earn money with Pinterest is by offering services by showcasing your expertise. But how is it done?

You need to create pins, and boards that reflect your skills, experience, and the services you offer. Always try to use visually compelling pins with clear descriptions to let your potential clients communicate the value propositions of your services.

For instance, you might have experience in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You can share testimonials, client success sorties, or case studies on Pinterest for successful client acquisition.

Use the platform to drive traffic to your website or booking platform where clients can explore your services related to SEO, and contact you for inquiries. Clear Call-to-Action and contact information are mandatory for increased chances of client acquisition.

Pro Tip: Build good relationships with your clients on Pinterest by responding to comments, answering questions, and sharing valuable content.

Brand Collaboration for Sponsored Content

Brand Collaboration is one of the best strategies to make money online if you can establish yourself as an influential content creator within your niche.

Focus on creating high-quality, and engaging content that resonates with your audience, and attracts the brand’s attention. Once you start gaining momentum, and growing your Pinterest following, you can research, and identify brands that align with your niche, and target audience.

Reach out to brands directly or via influencer marketing platforms, and share your interest in collaborating on sponsored content campaigns.

Important Tip: Maintain authenticity and transparency in your sponsored content by clearly disclosing your partnership with the brand and providing genuine recommendations or endorsements. Focus on creating valuable and engaging content that resonates with your audience and aligns with the brand’s messaging.

Pinterest Best Practices to Increase Efficiency and Revenue

Here are some of the important strategies that you can execute on Pinterest to save time, increase efficiency, and generate ample revenue.

  • Use tools like Tailwind or Buffer to plan, and schedule your pins in advance. With this technique, you can maintain a consistent presence on Pinterest without spending hours each day pinning manually.
  • You can repurpose your existing content including blog posts, videos, or podcasts into Pinterest-friendly formats such as pins or infographics. With this strategy, your existing asset gets maximum visibility on the Pinterest platform.
  • Regularly review your Pinterest analytics to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for improvement. Adjust your strategy based on performance data, such as top-performing pins, most engaging content, and optimal posting times, to optimize your results and maximize efficiency.
  • If you have enough amount to spend on advertising, you can invest in paid ads on Pinterest for accelerated growth.

Final Takeaway

Making money with Pinterest is possible through different strategies that we discussed in this blog post.

If you can invest time and effort, you can earn massive revenue from Pinterest however, always remember that success doesn’t happen overnight. It requires utter dedication, passion, persistence, a strategic approach, and consistent effort.

By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide and learning from the experiences of successful Pinterest entrepreneurs, you can unlock the full potential of Pinterest as a lucrative income stream.